Monday, 22 February 2016

Textual Analysis: Film Poster 7

This film poster appears more like a sketch/cartoon/animation in contrast to the real life images seen in the previous posters I've analysed. There is a male present with a contrastingly coloured heart nailed to his head; the strong pink/red tones often symbolise themes of passion, lust and romance, therefore relating back to the title "A Short Film About Love". The male is featured in black and white, with only his mouth and nose visible to the audience; from the exaggerated frown it can be inferred that the character is experiencing physical pain from the nails and symbolically a more emotional type of pain- possibly heartbreak, as assumed by the split visible at the bottom of the heart.

There is a lack of traditional credits e.g. 'produced by...', 'edited by...' etc at the bottom of the poster, however, just above the title there is a short mention of the film source and acknowledgement of the creator/company. There is a website featured in place of the traditional credits which is seen to be positioned inside of a white text box; this does not blend well with the background image and looks poorly positioned against the contrast of the black shirt. In my opinion, this lacks expertise of media design and traditional convention, however it can also be said that it does grab attention and therefore offer a source of self-promotion.

Through such vivid imagery and exaggeration, it can be assumed by the audience that this short film will have a comedic element present alongside the obvious romance, therefore subcategorising the genre as a hybrid.

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